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Interview with a CAD / CAM Services Technician

To better understand how CAD/CAM Services works, we sat down with a technician from the team. Our technician has been here for over 10 years and has worked on hundreds of different projects. Needless to say, they know a thing or two about CAD/CAM Services.

The best part? They have first-hand experience working directly with our clients in different industries, so their insight will be very helpful. We decided to look at a specific project the technician just finished, here is our brief interview with a CAD/CAM Services technician with their exact responses.

As a CAD/CAM Services technician, what is your role?

There are a lot of technicians in this company, and our role is to basically handle all the 2D CAD, 3D CAD, scanning, and conversion work for any client. Our project manager will assign us to a project based on our skillset, and we handle the rest.

I’m usually picked for 3D CAD projects. That might mean converting 2D drawings into 3D models, reverse engineering a part with 3D scanners, or handling unique 3D designs.

Creative team of designers collaborating on project discussing ideas and solution of improvement, students drafting together during brainstorming session drawing sketch at meeting in studio

Who was the client you just worked with?

The client was a manufacturer, vendor, and seller. They worked primarily with sheet metal fabrication projects. This client built everything from weapon cases to painting booths and hangars.

They’re a large company in their specific region, and they’ve made hundreds of thousands of parts for other companies within their area.

What did the client provide you?

We can get a wide range of files from the clients to get started. In this case, they gave our team a number of assemblies, some drafting standards they follow, and an example drawing they made in-house with templates and line formatting that we had to follow.

The assemblies they gave were in SolidWorks and AutoCAD, since those are the two programs they wanted us to design in (SolidWorks for 3D modeling, AutoCAD for 2D manufacturing drawings).

What did you/ your team provide to the client?

This project’s list of deliverables revolved around creating new 3D CAD files and generating 2D manufacturing drawings for every part. So, our team gave the client about a dozen parts, two assembly files, and all of the needed 2D CAD files to fully fabricate the assemblies.

As a part of the assembly package, we also put together a bill of materials (BOM) and dimensioned, scaled drawings.

Smiling crew of young architects watching video on laptop computer drafting together on meeting, male and female colleagues cooperating in good mood making creative solutions for startup project

Did the client mention any benefits to working with CAD/CAM Services?

Actually, yes. We got close with the project lead from the client’s side, and they spoke very highly of what they received from CAD/CAM Services. The major benefit that they kept mentioning was our attention to detail and speed.

If you didn’t know, we run our team 24/7 around the clock. We all work different shifts and pick up where the last guy left the project to make sure we finish projects even faster.

The client also appreciated the fact that we designed directly in SolidWorks and AutoCAD, which are the two programs that their company’s design team uses. Since we did this, they didn’t need to convert anything, and all of the right file settings were set up when they received the parts.

The final benefit that they mentioned was that their manufacturer really liked our drawings and design. Our team always designs with manufacturing in mind, and it seems like it paid off this time. It definitely makes things easier for our clients, I’d say.

Any idea why the client chose CAD/CAM Services instead of another outsource company?

I’ve been with CAD/CAM Services for about 11 years now, and I’ve dealt with other outsource companies in the past. This client never specifically told us why they chose CAD/CAM Services, but I can give my opinion: it’s the attention to detail, the way CAD/CAM Services is structured, and the high-quality coworkers I have at CAD/CAM Services.

Our team genuinely wants the best for our clients. Every draftsman and engineer I’ve worked with has gone above and beyond to deliver exceptional quality in every project I’ve been a part of.

Other outsource companies don’t treat their clients right and they rush through projects with no repercussions. I’ve never seen the same in CAD/CAM Services.

So, why did they choose CAD/CAM Services? I’d say it’s because we’re the best outsource company in America. I mentioned that I’ve worked with other outsource companies in the past, and none of them could compare to the team here.


As you saw from this quick interview with a CAD/CAM Services technician, you can expect great things when you choose us. We will design in whatever CAD program you’re used to, we’ll deliver the quality you deserve, and we’ll have your project done in no time. If you want to see the difference for yourself, choose our team and get a free quote today.

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