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BIM Helps Small Construction Companies Compete

Large construction companies were early adopters of BIM.  They saw how BIM could improve profitability and push global competitiveness. While small construction companies may have been aware of BIM advantages, often their limited cash flow and narrow future planning left them out of the initial push to BIM. Small and mid-sized construction companies have traditionally been at a disadvantage when competing in the larger global market or against high-stakes players. This is where a well-organized BIM service company can provide small contractors with the same competitive advantages as larger companies, but without the need for purchasing the infrastructure (software, hardware, and personnel) to support the newer technology.

BIM Services Help Small Contractors Adapt and Thrive

Because Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become ubiquitous in the design and construction fields, any contractor who wants a piece of the action needs to be able to provide BIM models.  BIM models enable shared knowledge resources in order to support decision-making about a facility from the earliest conceptual stages, through design and construction, and into its operational life and eventual demolition.

This 3D model-centric process presents the ability to reduce costs, improve collaboration, and deliver projects faster.   While this concept is more recent within the AEC community, it was already widely adopted and well established in the manufacturing arena in the guise of digital prototyping.

BIM Service Providers Offer Better Outcomes for Small Contractors

A qualified BIM Service Provider can offer small contractors many different design disciplines and software alternatives that can help improve their client presentations, and aid collaboration between the designer, the contractor, specialists, and suppliers, using a single, shared 3D model.  This is collaboration at its best – a working partnership with a BIM service provider that offers all the benefits of an in-house BIM team. This kind of collaborative working relationship ensures that everyone is focused on achieving the best value, from project inception to eventual decommissioning.

In addition, an experienced BIM service provider can offer small AEC firms:

  • Enhanced performance – by providing the swift and accurate comparison of different design options, enabling the development of more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable solutions.
  • Better outcomes – Projects can be visualized at an early stage and easily modified in the design stage to achieve desired outcomes.   In advance of construction or manufacturing a BIM service provider can ‘build’ the project in a virtual environment, rehearsing complex procedures, optimizing temporary designs and planning procurement of materials, equipment, and manpower.
  • Faster project delivery – Often a BIM service provider can save a small business up to 50% in design time.
  • Reduced waste – Cash-conscious small AEC firms need to be certain that materials are not over-ordered.  Precise program scheduling enables just-in-time delivery of materials and equipment, reducing the potential for damage.

Focus on a Partner, Rather than the Technology

When you know that you should adopt BIM, but you just aren’t ready or able to commit the resources, then it’s time to focus on finding a BIM service provider with whom to partner. It won’t be too long before BIM will be the norm for your small firm, and partnership with a BIM Service Provider will be considered the natural evolution of your business strategy.

When your company decides to implement BIM (Building Information Models), it’s important to realize that the implementation is not about technology, it’s about changing your entire organization. In order to successfully convert your blueprints and drawings business to BIM, you need to educate your employees and redesign your processes.  The technology is the easy part. Changing people and processes are much more difficult. Sometimes managing the change with the help of a BIM services firm can make the adaptation faster, easier, and less painful all the way around.

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