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2D to 3D to BIM Conversion

If your company is making the progression from 2D to 3D and BIM, we can help. While 3D models make valuable contributions to communications, not all 3D models qualify as BIM models since a 3D geometric representation is only part of the BIM concept.

In order for a 3D model to be considered BIM, it has to have the “I” part of the equation – the information. This can include building or manufacturing materials, the correct information of physical products and parts or other information needed to build, manufacture or maintain the structure or product.

All of this Information must be represented within the model. A logical information structure allows construction and manufacturing professionals to consistently add this data to the model. This is far more efficient than the alternative – the manual re-keying of information from one 2D format to another.

As a shared knowledge resource, BIM can serve as a reliable basis for decision making and reduce the need for re-gathering or re-formatting information, so when you need your 2D CAD drawing converted to a 3D BIM (Building Information Model), CAD / CAM’s experts are the ones to call.

We not only provide cost-effective, expert 2D CAD – 3D CAD conversion, but we are meticulous about the “I,” or information, and we make sure we have it set up to your specifications.

We can convert your AutoCAD files or PDF/TIF files to a BIM quickly and accurately. This BIM technology allows you to make changes and updates throughout a project’s lifecycle.

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